OpenPlaybook Methodology
OpenPlaybook believes that successful leaders use 3 key Playbooks to consistently build strengths-based winning teams.
The Playbook That You Are Given - People
People choose careers for many reasons such as the expectations of others, status, titles and money, just to name a few. OpenPlaybook believes that each person begins with a unique playbook of talents that, when developed into strengths, will drive extraordinary results. Often, discovering your strengths leads you on a new path of contribution capitalizing on your unique strength pocket to reach success, rather than letting outside factors determine your path.

The Playbook That You Develop - Process
Teams that consistently win develop playbooks based on "what is", not "what they want it to be". This sets your teams up for success because they are aligned with their natural strengths; simply put they love what they are doing , they love who they are doing it with and they can't wait to do it that's engagement! OpenPlaybook teams are gritty and only get tougher when the road gets tough. They never quit because they are playing from strength, engaged and accountable to the team.

The Playbook That You Give Away - Purpose
Great leaders create "Great Whys". "Great Whys" drive purpose and commitment. Purpose and commitment drive extraordinary results. More than that, great leaders create more great leaders, teams and team members. How? OpenPlaybook teaches them to select key people to develop wisely and then invest in those people by giving them the one thing that no one else can...their OpenPlaybook of experience, wisdom and knowledge. In short, their most precious asset...their time.

Find Out How OpenPlaybook Can Help You Take Your Team To The Next Level
OpenPlaybook offers virtual training, in person coaching and training, strategic consulting and dynamic public speaking for your next event.
Take Your Team to the Next Level with OpenPlaybook