About Larry Dodd, Founder of OpenPlaybook
Over a 35 year career, Larry has served as a C-Level Executive in the public, private and not for profit arenas and as a strategic consultant, after beginning his career as a Big 5 CPA. He uniquely combines real world experience and hard earned wisdom with cutting edge capabilities that only come from sitting in the leader's chair. Larry leads organizations through strengths-based transitions that drive breakthrough results that last.
He stands shoulder to shoulder with you to develop, guide and mentor your team through critical change. Larry can help drive successful initiatives such as scaling your organization up or down, strategic system conversions and the implementation of best management practices that take you to the next level.
Larry is also an inspiring speaker and an experienced Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach who consistently drives people-centered results.

OpenPlaybook for Individuals
Your Career is Being Managed by Someone...Make it You!
Too often we build our careers on a foundation of sand by choosing professions for the wrong reasons. Rather than opening our own unique playbook of talents, fully developing what we were given, driving superior results by using them and then giving our playbook away to develop others, we choose based on outside factors such as what others think, money, and status. Then we wonder what is missing.
Hear what Larry Dodd, Founder of OpenPlaybook has to say and how he can help you.

OpenPlaybook for Individuals
OpenPlaybook helps individuals discover their own unique pocket of strengths. You learn to trust and apply your strengths to gain better results in a purposeful manner.

OpenPlaybook for Organizations
OpenPlaybook offers professional speaking, consulting and strength-based training. The results are gritty teams that stick together to meet and conquer the tough challenges.
What Was Your Playbook?
What activity was transformative for you? What taught you the important aspects of expression and accomplishment? How did you use a playbook to drive that effort and what did you learn from the process.
Great endeavors of all kinds require playbooks...OpenPlaybooks. The closer that we look, the more clear it becomes...nobody does it alone. Nobody.
Passion, talent and accomplishment come in many forms. We learn from each other. Share your OpenPlaybook and how it touched your heart.